We incorporate a seven-step process to help you begin planning your estate with us.

Call our office at (626) 839-8980 to schedule an Initial Visit to discuss your particular situation and concerns. The fee for the Initial Visit is $350. The fee covers the analysis of your family and estate information and our planning recommendations for you. If you decide to retain us for your estate plan at the conclusion of the Initial Visit, the $350 fee will be applied as a credit toward the cost of your plan.

It is our goal to gain a basic understanding of your family, finances, goals and concerns before meeting with you. In order to assist us with this, we require that you complete and return our Confidential Personal Information Questionnaire at least 2 days prior to your Initial Visit. If we do not receive your completed Confidential Personal Information Questionnaire at least 2 days prior to your Initial Visit, we may have to reschedule your Initial Visit.

At the Initial Visit, we will review your family and estate information and discuss with you your current legal documents, assets in your estate, concerns, objectives and opportunities. For married couples, we require that both spouses attend the Initial Visit. If one spouse is unable to attend, we will reschedule the Initial Visit to another date when both spouses are able to attend. During our discussion, we come to a deeper understanding of your family dynamics, unique needs and desires. All of your questions are answered regarding the particulars of the law as it relates to your family and estate. Based on what we learn, we will outline various planning strategies and options based on your goals and objectives and our recommendations, including all fees and costs.

If you decide to retain us and we decide to take you on as a client, we will schedule a Design Meeting. At the Design Meeting, you will provide us with copies of your financial and other asset information. You will choose which level of planning you wish to pursue, based on your goals and objectives. During the meeting, we will transform complex financial and emotional considerations into a workable and understandable strategy for the distribution and protection of your assets.

After the plan is designed, we will draft the documents for your estate plan. We will then schedule a Signing Meeting to sign the documents that comprise your estate plan. During this meeting, we will review the overall plan once again and explain your documents to you. We will answer any questions you may have at this time. We will also discuss Implementation responsibilities, including retitling of assets, also known as “funding”.

About 2 weeks after the Signing Meeting, we will meet in order to deliver to you your original planning documents and Estate Planning binder, including illustrations, summaries and details of your plan. We will again review Implementation responsibilities and answer any questions you may have. If you elect to participate in our Implementation Plan, we will review your Asset Funding Schedule with you and discuss steps, deadlines, responsibilities, and the tasks that lie ahead in order to implement the plan and the approximate timeline for completion.

If you choose for us to assist in Implementation, we will meet in order to sign any necessary correspondence and forms to commence funding actions. We will answer any questions you have regarding funding and the allocation of responsibilities during this process.

If you do not choose for us to assist in Implementation, we are available to review your funding actions and confirmations after your Delivery Meeting at your request and to identify any problem areas noted in Implementation. We will answer any additional questions you may have.

The Secret Of Getting Ahead Is Getting
Mark Twain